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The Magic Kitchen (Print Edition)


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The Magic Kitchen is a collection of over 150 recipes to elevate your frequency and activate your light body.

Created, written, and photographed by Kate Magic, these recipes originally had their home on her subscription site, Kate’s Magic Bubble, which ran from 2007-2016.

Kate has been a raw vegan for over 30 years, and for her this has never been about a fad or trend, but a route into a higher state of consciousness. When we eat organic, raw, vegan foods, we are eating foods grown in accordance with natural intelligence, and so we more readily come into that place of connection within ourselves. We align with the divine forces that exist within every living thing, and we find we have the strength and the courage to follow our hearts, listen to our inner truth, and step away from the conditioning and the programming of our society that would diminish our light and keep us enslaved.

But enough of lofty principles, let’s get back into the body! These recipes are the most deeply nourishing recipes you will find. Loaded with superfoods, easy on the digestion, full of healthy fats, with antioxidant levels off the charts, this is literally as healthy as food gets.

From Lasanyea to Cherry No Bakewell, from Rainbow Sushi to Beyond Custard Creams, these are recipes you can make for your loved ones, and they will devour them happily, even if they don’t have a clue what a light body is!

That’s the power of truly good food. It doesn’t need any labels or categorisations. It’s in a league of its own – it’s magic.

Early Praise:

"My new favourite recipe book." Tracey

"I'm loving this book already." Anita

"Really clear simple and easy to follow. This is already my favourite of Kate's books." Tabitha

"Kate's style of writing is so easy to read - it's light and fun with a depth to it." Naomi

Further Information


Intro What Is The Magic Kitchen?, The Magic Plate, A Little Bit of Science, Creating Recipes, Magical Living

Dips & Dressings  including Mystic Mayo, Bayonnaise, Dream Chease, Chlorella Pesto, Krautamole

Soups, Sides & Sushi including Garlick Soup, Ecstatic Soup, Sauerslaw, Hemp Tabbouleh, Rainbow Sushi

Mains including Shepherd’s Pie, Lasanyea, Thai Coconut Noodles, Golden Burritos, Kale Pizza

Crackers, Burgers & Other Dehydrated Delights Caraway Crackers, Beautiful Broccoli Burgers, Coconut Bacon, Onion Bhajis, Garlac Bread

Kale Chips including Brazilliant Kale Chips, Tahini & Baobab Kale Chips, The Best Salt & Vinegar Crisps Ever, Sweet n Spicy Kale Chips

Ferments including Kefir, Kombucha, Cheese-Making, Kimchi, Pickled Cucumbers

Candies & Cookies including Reishi Candi, Kids’ Lifesavers, Matcha Mucuna Mints, Baobiscuits, Beyond Custard Creams

Chocolate including Rum Truffles, Heartcore Chocolate, New Jamaica, Raw Chocolate Crème Easter Eggs, Choc Ices

Cakes including Triple Layer Chocolate Pie, Teddy’s Apple Pie, Blueberry & Chocolate Chip Cupcakes, Cherry No Bakewell, Rosemary’s Rose Cheesecake, Chi Lime Pie, Zillionaire Shortbread

Desserts including Chocolate Chia Trifles, Yo! Gurt, Strawberry Coconut Mousse

Drinks including Kombucha Cocktails, Sweet Raspberry Milk, Chocolate Disco Smoothie, Secret Lemonade Drinker, Macapuccino

Articles What Is Raw?, Happiness is a State of Stomach, The Myth of 100% Raw, The Mummy Bear Effect, SociaBubble, Meal for 6.8 Billion, Sir?, Simplicity & Relativity, On the Road, Value & Abundance, Wise Investments, Hold onto the Light, Transition Town, Present & Connected, Easy Guide to Fermentation, Life is Like a Plate of Cake

Glossary, Resources



Raw Living was founded in Sep 2002. As a celebration of 20 years in business, we talked to some of our oldest and best customers about why they love Raw Living: the products, the service, and the ethos. Click here to play the episode.


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