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Request Wholesale Account

Our promise to you is to source the highest quality products at the best prices.

As long term raw foodists ourselves, getting the best there is out there is really important to us. You can be assured that when you buy from us, you are supplying your customers with the finest of what is on the market, and we work closely with over 100 established suppliers to ensure our sources are the highest quality, and we are at the forefront of what is happening in the raw foods movement.

We manufacture over fifty of our own brand range of products, which includes  superfoods, mushroom extracts, chocolate bars, activated nuts and seeds, trail mixes, green powder blends, and teas. We supply customers across Europe with a comprehensive range of plant foods, and we also act as distributor for many other leading raw brands from Europe and the US.

Our price list is regularly updated and the latest versions will be available online when you login. Please do check you have the latest list before placing your orders – prices can go up as well as down!

So please browse the list, and have a look through our website for more information when you have the time. If you have any questions at all, we are happy to help and to work with you to supply you with what you need. If you believe that you can get better prices elsewhere, please inform us, so we can do our best to serve you.

There is no minimum order, but there are minimum quantities.
The best discounts available on the minimum quantities - usually 6 x 100g, 6 x 250g and 3 x 1kg
Products not on the price list we don't distribute and we're probably not able to discount them further. It might be worth asking though.
We ask for payment before dispatch, through the site, by paypal or credit card.
Delivery time is 2-4 days. Max order per box is 25kg (same price).
We ask that you don't offer products for sale at a lower price than on our website.
If you have any questions, or need help with your order, please email

Thank you, and we look forward to working with you to get these wonderful foods to as many happy customers as we can.

*Indicates a required field
