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Trees For Life - Charity Partner

In November 2021, we partnered with Trees For Life as a Silver Partner in supporting their work rewilding the Scottish highlands.

We feel tree-planting is something that everyone can get behind as a constructive way of addressing the issues we face on the planet today, and we love that Trees For Life are taking this approach beyond simply planting trees and have taken on the task of rewilding this whole area here in the UK.

Like everyone we work with here at Raw Living, it's a win-win-win scenario: good for the planet, good for the people who work at Trees For Life, good for the people that live near or get to visit the Highlands, and good for you when you get that feel-good factor!

You can purchase a tree in our Corporate Grove here. We send these donations to Trees For Life every 6 months.

You can view our grove here.

Trees for Life vision is  of a revitalised wild forest in the Scottish Highlands, providing space for wildlife to flourish and communities to thrive. 

The Trees for Life mission is to rewild the Scottish Highlands by enabling the restoration of the globally unique Caledonian Forest which once covered much of Scotland. Integral to our success is the involvement of people. 

Our values are at the core of our mission to rewild the Scottish Highlands, informing decisions large and small from the day-to-day running of our office to major conservation projects. We have shared these values so that our supporters, volunteers and partners can gain a deeper understanding of what drives Trees for Life.

We are groundbreaking.We are an ambitious charity with a big mission. For over 25 years we have sought to bring innovation to conservation, and we continue to strive for new and ground-breaking ways to rewild the Scottish Highlands.

We are collaborative.We are an open, friendly and cooperative organisation. We welcome and encourage collaborative working with other organisations, land owners and the wider community. We believe we can always achieve more through teamwork.

We are pragmatic.We seek prudent, sustainable solutions in everything we do. We are always mindful of our duty to our supporters, our volunteers, our staff and above all to Scotland’s wild forest. Seeking a pragmatic approach safeguards our organisation and the work we undertake.

