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ATT Tachyon Sleep Mask / Brain Balancer


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The Tachyonized Brain Balancer is unique in its 360-degree coverage, encouraging your expanding journey. As the Tachyon energy syncs and harmonizes both the left and right hemispheres of your brain, stress fades and equilibrium returns. Brain balancer is ultra-soft and very pleasant to the skin. With the near-total darkness design, it is pleasurable to be embraced by the harmonizing energy surrounding your face, head and ears, and improving your physical and emotional health.  Easy Velcro closure helps you to have the exact fit you need.

Whether you are young or young at heart, you will love the gentle expanding experience. It is perfect for meditation or just simply drifting into blissful sleep. It is made of Tachyonized cotton and a special Tachyonized cushioning material that creates a luxurious fit and nurturing comfort for deep relaxation and sleep. 

When a system in a state of disorder is subjected to a focused form of Tachyon the system will move back to a state of balance. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. refers to this effect as the "youthing" process. This phenomenon is also known as the difference between positive and negative entropy. Positive entropy is defined as chaos, disorder, or disease. Negative entropy is balance or order. In the aging process, positive entropy steadily increases. Once the body reaches a particular threshold of positive entropy, it can no longer function and death results. On the other hand, youthing occurs as a result of increased negative entropy. It has been shown that Tachyon increases negative entropy.

Kate says, "For the deepest, most restful sleep. This combined with a grounding sheet are my must-haves for a good night's rest. Plus turning off all electrical devices in the room of course."


Tachyonized Brain Balancer with easy velcro closing
Velvet drawstring travel pouch

Further Information

David Wagner, also known as TachyonMan, is a scientist, naturalist, spiritual guide, visionary, inventor, and energy healer. Twenty-five years ago David was given a vision, a blueprint for how to tap into the source of all energy in the universe, the energy that creates all material existence and provides the energy for our bodies to heal themselves. He named his discovery, Tachyonization.

David was downloaded from Source a comprehensive blueprint for how to use tachyon subatomic particles to restructure materials at the submolecular level thereby creating tachyon antenna. His first step was to develop the Tachyonization process. He was so excited and grateful that he went on to found his company, Advanced Tachyon Technologies. He realized the Tachyonization™ process was a profound breakthrough. Since his discovery, David has Tachyonized over four hundred health and wellness products.

Founded in 1990, Advanced Tachyon Technologies has become a multinational company with over four hundred personal and professional Tachyonized products that heal, preserve, and restore health. ATTI is the world's only manufacturer of Tachyonized materials. 

In 2010, twenty years after the initial discovery, David Wagner was granted a USA patent in Tachyonization material testing. Which means, he has the only proven process to determine if a material is Tachyonized. Although there are other companies that claim they have Tachyonized materials, the United States Patent 7,760,357 has to date been used to test over fifteen companies that claim their products are also Tachyonized. None of them were able to pass the test. ATTI, is the only scientifically proven manufacturer of Tachyonized materials.

David is recognized worldwide as the father of Tachyonization™. His Tachyonized tools are in over 153 countries and have been used successfully by hundreds of thousands of people. Over three and a half million Tachyonized products have been sold worldwide.

David is acutely aware that we live in a dangerous world In fact, Tachyons are the most powerful of all forms of energy because tachyons are the energetic field from which all forms of energy are derived. Unlike all other forms of energy that have frequencies and, therefore, can be harmful, Tachyons have no frequency and are completely harmless. They can be used by anyone, anywhere, at any time.

When David first discovered his process of harnessing Tachyon energy in 1990 the words Tachyon, Tachyonization and Tachyonized were all abstract theories. Through years of diligent work, research and experimentation these complex theories have become legitimized realities.

Tachyonized materials have been scientifically proven to promote neg-entropy. In simple terms, Tachyonized materials are catalysts to rapid recovery. They restore optimal energetic balance.

David believes it is of critical importance that Tachyon energy tools become available to everyone. Therefore, he has not flinched or slowed down from his mission to introduce the world to Tachyon energy. Quite the contrary. He has renewed his pledge and has declared that whatever it takes he is continuing his quest to put Tachyon health and wellness products into the hands of every man, woman and child on the planet.

As David says, “ It is my fervent desire to do all that I can to help protect, preserve and heal everyone’s heath and well-being.


Click HERE for an exclusive interview with David Wagner on how tachyon works and how he came to develop these life-changing products.

How To Use

What an experience! Many individuals are using this powerful tool for meditation and blissful sleep. Tachyonized Brain Balancer can also help your brain with memory, focus and cognitive functions. Designed to help improve connections in the brain, creating more coordinated harmony. This Brain Balancer is also beneficial in balancing specific eye issues, soothing headaches and sinus problems, and facilitating peaceful sleep.
Very comfortable, breathable & adjustable for sleeping, traveling, relaxing. 

Hand wash in cold water with mild detergent and dry flat. Best worn without face oil, cream, mascara and make-up. 

