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Nutrigold - Enema Kit


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Regular cleansing of the large intestine is a wonderful naturopathic health technique. Simple, quick and inexpensive to do, we consider enemas an essential element of a holistic health regime. 

This kit comes with it's own travel bag:

    • Reusable 2 litre enema and douche kit for home use
    • Easy to use gravity feed system. Full instructions included.
    • 2ltr capacity bag, loop hook to hang bag up plus 1.3m clear plastic tube, plastic anal tip and plastic vaginal douche
    • Suitable for colon flushing and cleaning.

      Before reusing, clean the device and sanitize (disinfect) the used cannula.
      Before, reusing, ensure that the removable parts are screwed-up tightly and well joined together.

      Can be reused multiple times.

      Keep away from sources of light and heat.

      Kate says, "An enema kit is an essential part of my health maintenance programme. I've been doing regular enemas for over 20yrs, and I think it's one of the main tools for staying young from the inside, and assisting the body with the continual detoxification needed in our pollutant-heavy world."

      Further Information

      Nutrigold was founded in 1999 by naturopaths and scientists, with an extensive research and clinical background in the nutritional health field with the objective of serving the needs of fellow practitioners and their clients.  After many years of intense and ongoing development, our unique range of products and education services have helped us achieve a well-deserved reputation as one of the country’s leading brands supplying UK Health Practitioners and people seeking the very best in food supplements for their health and wellbeing

      Along the way we have compiled extensive scientific research to ensure our customers understand the best way to achieve the optimum effects from our formulations, which are delivered in a safe, responsible manner.  

      Whilst we remain wedded to the statement attributed to Hippocrates “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” we also understand that food alone may not be enough to ensure you maintain and achieve your optimal wellbeing and high quality absorbable food supplements may be required to achieve and maintain this goal.  Leaning on a mixture of naturopathic principles, nutrition science, and supported by contemporary research we have, and continue to develop safe and effective food supplements to help you, your clients and your family. 

      Nutrigold strives to be more than just another supplement supplier to help you balance you nutritional needs to optimise and maintain your health; we focus on the form of our nutrients and in particular bioavailability. This is important because the efficiency with which your system absorbs the key nutrients (vitamins, minerals, enzymes, herbs or botanicals) affects both the speed and level of positive health effects, as well impacting on the cost of your supplement programme.

      We at Nutrigold are proud to be considered part of your personal support team, and thank you for choosing and trusting us and our products with your health and that of others you recommend us to – it is an honour to be valued as such.


      Listen to our podcast interview with Barbara Wren, who founded The College of Natural Nutrition, and whose son Andrew founded the Nutrigold brand.

      How To Use


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