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          Spotlight on Bee Pollen

Our organic Bee Pollen is one of our best-selling products for good reason. Bee pollen is a flower product, which is gathered by the bees and collected from the hives by the bee-keepers. At Raw Living, we only work with bee-keepers who work with the utmost respect for the bees and their environment, and who are sustaining the traditions of generations of bee-keepers in preserving this most essential element of our biodiversity.

Our Bee Pollen is from a remote region of the Carpathian mountains in Eastern Europe, free from any pollution. The type of bee bred is called the Apis Mellifera Carpatica, which is native to the region, and known for its gentle behaviour towards bee-keepers. Typically, bee-keepers will be responsible for over 200 bee colonies, but the bee-keepers of this region only have around 100 colonies each. All of this means that the bees receive the very highest quality care and attention, just as you would wish it!

The other thing that makes our Bee Pollen special is the care with which it's transported. It's put into deep-freeze on collection, at a temperature of -18 deg C, and then transported within two weeks to the facility where it is dried at temperatures of less than 40 deg C. This process preserves all the natural enzymes, nutrients, and beautiful rich floral flavour.

Bee Pollen is one of nature's rare perfect foods. It contains every single nutrient that the body needs to survive, and probably some that we are not even yet aware of. As well as being one of the best vegetarian sources of protein (around 35%), it is high in essential B-vitamins, and a good source of minerals.

Bee Pollen is ideal for those days when you need to buzz around!It is very naturally energising. It's also ideal for keeping your nutrient levels up while fasting. It's a perfect superfood for kids, who love the sweet, honey-like taste.

Add a spoonful to your breakfast, or just eat it off the spoon, it tastes that good. There are lots of Bee Pollen recipes in Kate's book Raw Magic. We don't recommend blending it up, but it's wonderful stirred into porridge, yoghurt, or even guacamole. Try adding it to a trail mix like our Hi-Trail for an extra boost when driving, or sprinkle it over a salad.

We love the bees! And we are proud to work with bee-keepers who have such care for the bees. Our supplier says, "A good bee keeper can't do this activity without loving his darling bees. They talk about them with admiration, they care about them and they will not do anything to harm the bees, it's a symbiosis between those two parts: bee keeper and bees. I see all the time how they talk about them, how much they appreciate their work. If a pollen grain falls outside the bee hive they take it and they introduce it inside; they say that is a lot of work for one bee to gather a grain. The same for the honey, every drop must be used responsibly. For a responsible bee keeper, the bees are like their own children, they truly love their bees."
