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          Algamar Win Spanish Food Award 2023 For Best Organic Production

We want to take a moment to congratulate one of our favourite brands, Algamar, on winning the award for best organic production in the Spanish Food Awards 2023.

This award was for the conservation of biodiversity and respect for the environment, the enhancement of rural development and local resources and technological innovation. Algamar are committed to working with native seaweed, making sea vegetables more accessible in order to improve the health of the population, and promoting these very special local resources, with sustainability and respect for the environment as a core objective.

The winners of the 2023 edition were chosen from more than 100 nominations. For the deliberations, the Ministry had a jury made up of people with extensive experience and knowledge of the agri-food and fisheries sector. The judges said, "ALGAS ATLÁNTICAS ALGAMAR wins the Organic Production Award. It is a leading company in the promotion of seaweed as a resource of high nutritional value and is considered one of the first bio-based companies in all of Europe."

The jury highlighted ALGAMAR's long evolution in the development of an innovative product of which there was no precedent, based on the collection of seaweed in an environmentally friendly way, as well as the creation of a new market for a food that today is demanded in many food sectors. Both the harvesting and its delicate subsequent handling have yielded exceptional results. The jury valued the constant scientific activity and work in R+D, in collaboration with different universities and the Spanish National Research Council, to research and create new products.

Check out Algamar sea vegetables here, and see for yourself why this is an award-winning brand.

